Groin and Hip Pain – What Is It?

Is it a hip problem or a groin problem? If you’ve been plagued with pain in the area between your hip and thigh, it can be hard to pinpoint what exactly is going on. In this article, we explore the possibilities of what could be causing groin and hip pain to help you understand and treat the issue. So whether you’re an expert golfer or an occasional jogger, let’s get to the bottom of your lower body aches and pains together


Causes of Groin Pain

Groin and hip pain can originate from a variety of sources, and its type and severity will depend on the exact cause. It can be acute, sudden, and sharp or more gradual. Unfortunately, there is not one specific cause that accounts for all groin pain as the pain results from a variety of problems with muscles, bones, nerves, and tendons that connect to the region.

Some common causes include muscle strains or groin pulls; bursitis or tendinitis in the hip; arthritis due to old age; sports injuries or trauma’ aggravated by exercising; pinched nerves; an overtraining syndrome which is recurring thigh cramps during exercise; pelvic fractures resulting from a fall; general ill health caused by infection or poor nutrition.

Each of these causes may require different treatments. Muscle injuries are best treated with rest, ice packs, compression bandages, and medial wraps. If there is bursitis or tendinitis present then injections of cortisone may help in relieving the inflammation. If exercise is causing groin pain then rest periods should be taken before continuing with activities that cause discomfort if no serious injury has been identified as the problem.

Arthritis can be relieved with medication while physical therapy can help with postural imbalances resulting from misalignment of muscles around bones and joints in the pelvis area leading to pinching of nerves causing daily chronic lumbar pain instead of just when running or exercising heavily in sports as an athlete competing like knee injury issues do showing up worse only when playing football running up downhill sports activities.

Avascular Necrosis

Avascular necrosis is a bone disease caused by the reduced blood supply to bones, which eventually leads to tissue death. Specifically, it is the death of cells within the bone, due to an inability of those cells to get enough blood. Avascular necrosis can cause pain in and around the groin and hip area from damage done to bones in the thigh.

The pain begins as mild aching that eventually increases into something more noticeable like a dull ache or throbbing pain. It can be constant or come and go for some people, but it is usually constant in one spot. It tends to worsen when you move in certain ways or with higher levels of activity. The force of your body weight may also cause more discomfort due to the weakened bone becoming easily breakable and injured when there isn’t enough healthy tissue keeping it together.

The hip joint is a common area affected by avascular necrosis since the thigh bone is not getting enough nutrients via normal blood flow. As avascular necrosis progresses, these areas may lose their ability to repair themselves after an injury or trauma leading to further problems such as joint dysfunction and pain.

Shoulders, wrists, and knees are also areas at risk for avascular necrosis though less commonly seen than with hips and groins. If left untreated, it can lead to chronic joint inflammation resulting in more severe forms of arthritis over time along with greater levels of discomfort at rest or movement from inflammatory changes within the affected hip joint area that results from avascular necrosis.


Bursitis is a condition that causes pain in the groin and hip area due to inflammation of the bursa, small sacs of fluid located between bones and soft tissue. Bursitis typically occurs after long periods of walking, sitting, or kneeling. It can also be caused by injury or too much force being applied to the hip region. The pain experienced with bursitis is usually a dull ache and is felt on the outside of the upper thigh. In some cases, it can radiate down into the knee or over to the buttocks area.

The bursae reduce friction between tissues while also aiding in providing cushioning within joints. If these sacs become inflamed due to overuse or injury, they can become swollen and cause bursitis pain which can range from mild to severe.

Certain activities such as climbing stairs may become difficult due to this condition as there may be significant discomfort when weight is shifted onto one leg at a time. As well, difficulty rising from a chair should be expected when experiencing bursitis pain.

The most common form of bursitis is trochanteric bursitis which affects older adults primarily from sports or activities that require repetitive motion near their hips such as running or cycling but it can affect anyone who engages in these activities habitually without giving their bodies time to recover following physical activity.

This type of condition generally occurs when there is an underlying bone abnormality that exacerbates friction and results in inflammation. Imaging tests like X-rays are used for early detection and physical therapy may help alleviate some symptoms however severe cases may require medication such as corticosteroid injections around affected areas accompanied by adequate rest periods are recommended for treating this type of hip/groin issue.

Femoroacetabular Impingement

Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition where extra bone grows around the hip joint, or the hip joint develops irregular shapes. This can lead to the femur (thigh bone) and acetabulum (hip socket) rubbing against each other during common actions like walking, running, or even sitting for extended periods of time, leading to pain and discomfort.

FAI can be divided into two main categories: cam impingement and pincer impingement. Cam impingement occurs when there is an extra lump of bone on the head of the femur which rubs against the acetabulum when people move in certain ways. Pincer impingement tends to involve an overgrowth from either part of the pelvis or from within the acetabulum itself.

The most common symptom associated with Femoroacetabular Impingement is a pain in and around your groin area, especially during physical activities such as walking uphill or squatting. You may also experience clicking or grinding sensations in your hips with certain movements – this could indicate that you are suffering from Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI). In some cases, discomfort can be felt in other areas too – such as your lower back – due to muscular imbalances caused by this condition.

The severity of Hip Impingement pain varies depending on how much disruption it’s causing within your daily activities; if it’s significantly impacting your quality of life it’s best to have it looked at immediately by a medical professional so they can appropriately diagnose and treat it accordingly.

Soft tissue therapies such as physiotherapy may be beneficial in helping you cope with the pain caused by Femoroacetabular Impingement, although surgery may be recommended depending on how much damage has already been done every case is different.

Hip Fracture

Hip Fracture is a common injury in older women due to the hip bone being one of the strongest bones in the human body. Hip fractures are serious injuries to the upper part of the thigh bone, known as femoral neck fracture, which occurs near where it attaches to the pelvis or hip joint.

A broken hip can result from a simple fall and they are much more likely to occur in people who have an underlying medical condition such as Osteoporosis or reduced bone density.

In addition to being very painful, hip fractures can divide into 2 categories: direct collision (such as crashing your car) or indirect fractures (resulting from a fall). Symptoms of hip fracture include swelling and bruising around the affected area, limited movement, and difficulty walking or standing. In some cases, there can also be a buildup of fluid around the affected area accompanied by vague pains.

It is important to contact your healthcare provider if you experience any pain which you suspect could be due to a fracture or signs of instability in your legs. An X-ray will be required for confirmation and if a hip fracture is found then surgery will usually follow for the best recovery results.

The specialists involved will help determine whether treatment requires fixation plates, screws, rods, or using an intramedullary nail depending on the degree of displacement and damage sustained. Early diagnosis is essential for quick initiation of therapy so make sure you visit your healthcare provider without delay if you experience any groin or hip pain after an incident that caused you alarm.

Labral Tear

A labral tear is a painful injury to your hip that often requires medical treatment. It is caused by damage to the tough cartilage in your hip socket joint, where the head of your thigh bone meets the hip socket. The labrum is a ring of fibrocartilage surrounding and lining the acetabulum (the socket of the hip) as a shock absorber, stabilizer, and cushioning seal in between it and other muscles that attach around its rim.

Labral tears can occur when impingement happens in movements like squatting, kicking, or pivoting or where extra stress or strain is put on one side of your hip. These injuries can be aggravated by any activity that causes deep pain within your hip joint.

Diagnosing a labral tear can be quite difficult as there aren’t many physical signs present and an MRI scan is often required to identify it accurately. Labral tears can be treated through a variety of methods, though conservative treatments using exercise including physical therapy treatments are usually the best way to restore movement and reduce pain in most cases. In more severe cases, some people may require surgery if they are not responding well to other forms of treatment.

If you think you have injured your labrum You may experience groin or hip labral tears pain symptoms when standing up from a seated position, running, or doing any type of exercise that puts weight or pressure on your hips. To help avoid stressing these areas it’s important to perform activities correctly; sometimes strengthening other muscles around such as core muscles – abdominals and glutes – may also help.


Osteoarthritis, or OA, is the most common form of joint disease and affects older people more than younger. It occurs when the protective material at the end of bones wears away, leading to pain and ongoing discomfort.

The biggest cause of OA is age-related wear and tear. As we get older, our bodies produce less synovial fluid – the lubricating fluid that provides cushioning between joint sockets – which can lead to friction within the joints. This friction can eventually lead to cartilage damage and then pain.

There are three hallmark symptoms that are associated with OA: swelling in a joint, limited range of motion in a joint, and stiffness upon waking or after periods spent sitting still. These can occur in any of your synovial joints – such as those found in the hips and groin – but it’s important to note that individual experiences may vary.

Essential treatments for OA range from lifestyle changes such as weight loss and exercise to various physical therapies like massage or ice packs, to medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or corticosteroid injections into joints to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

Surgery generally isn’t recommended until conservative measures have been exhausted; however, some cases may require surgery if symptoms remain persistent despite other treatments used.

Stress Fracture

A stress fracture, also known as an induced or a march fracture, is a small break in the hip or groin area caused by excessive use of those muscles and bones. It is most common in athletes, particularly those involved in running or jumping sports due to the physical demands placed on their bodies. The pain from a stress fracture can range from mild to so severe that it can prompt immobilization of the affected area.

Stress fractures in the hip often result from cumulative damage caused by excessive running over long distances with little rest time for recovery. This places too much strain on the area and can eventually result in a “true” fracture. Symptoms of a hip stress fracture typically include a dull ache in either the side of the hip joint or front of the thigh which increases when placing weight through that leg, particularly during activities such as running or jumping.

In order to confirm this diagnosis and make an appropriate treatment plan, your healthcare provider will likely order X-rays to visualize any evidence of bone injury.

Treatment usually requires rest to heal with additional supportive measures such as crutches when necessary. Until then, icing at regular intervals may help reduce inflammation, especially during activities that require strain on that particular spot.

Strengthening exercises should be considered once symptoms have improved but should be introduced gradually under close medical supervision to ensure the safe management of symptoms without aggravating them further.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are several treatments available for groin and hip pain, depending on the cause. These treatments can include rest, ice, heat, stretching, physical therapy, massage, or medication. You should consult with your healthcare provider to determine the best treatment for your particular condition.

Possible causes of pain in the groin and hip area of a woman include:

  • Hip arthritis
  • Hip bursitis
  • Muscle strains or tears
  • Labral tears of the hip
  • Femoral neck or acetabular fractures
  • Hernia
  • Kidney stones
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Endometriosis
  • Infections of the reproductive organs
  • Fibromyalgia

It is always best to consult with a medical professional if you are experiencing any type of groin pain. Depending on the type and severity of the pain, your doctor may need to perform further tests such as an X-ray or MRI to determine the cause and assess the seriousness of the pain.

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In conclusion, it is natural to worry about groin and hip joint pain, and there is a wide range of potential causes for it. However, in general, the most common cause is muscle strain, particularly among younger people. Older people should consider their age as a potential factor that might increase their risk of suffering from the hip joint or joint-related illnesses.

Further consultation with your primary healthcare provider or orthopedic specialist can help to determine the exact cause of the pain through specific tests like x-rays, ultrasound, or MRI scans. Depending on the results of these tests treatments such as medications for underlying diseases, physiotherapy exercises, and even surgery have been known to be successful in treating many hip and groin-related pains.

It is also important to remember that other body parts such as the lower back can also affect the hips and groin area in some cases so looking into those factors would be beneficial too. Therefore if you are feeling any sort of groin or hip-related discomfort consult your healthcare practitioner right away and be sure that you mention any other relevant symptoms you have observed as well. This way they can give an accurate diagnosis and suggest ways that better manage your condition to help you overcome your pains at their source.

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