Which Exercise is Best to Relieve Back Pain?



Back pain is a very common complaint, affecting millions of people around the world. Finding the correct exercises to relieve back pain can be a challenge, as there are many different types of back pain and various exercises available to help treat them.

The goal of any exercise program for managing back pain is to relieve pain and improve physical functioning. To do this, it is important to ensure that exercise selection, intensity, and progression all reflect the specific needs of each individual.

In this guide we will explore which exercises are best for addressing different types of back pain, as well as provide tips on safely progressing your program over time:

Causes of Back Pain

Back pain is an increasingly common ailment amongst people of all ages. It can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from poor posture to underlying medical conditions. It is important to understand the causes of back pain in order to effectively determine the best treatment and exercise options to alleviate the pain.

In this article, we will explore the common causes of back pain and how to identify them:

Poor posture

Poor posture refers to slouching, leaning, or hunching when sitting, standing, or moving. Poor posture puts additional strain on the muscles and ligaments of the back, which can lead to back pain. Even small, long-term changes in your posture can change the way the muscles of your lower back support your spine and cause chronic low back pain.

In addition to causing pain in the lower back, poor posture can also cause neck, shoulder, and upper back pain. Poor posture increases stress on ligaments and spinal discs due to compression of the vertebrae as inflammation sets in if chronic bad postures continue. It’s important to maintain good posture at all times to avoid or reduce any discomfort you may experience.

Corrective exercises that involve stretching and strengthening the core muscles along with postural exercises can help correct poor postures before it becomes a habit. Physiotherapy is also a great option for correcting most postural problems by providing detailed instructions on proper body mechanics and stretching techniques specific to your condition. Regular physiotherapy sessions together with corrective exercises over an extended period of time are often recommended for more severe cases of poor posture resulting from:

  • Prolonged sedentary work habits
  • Incorrect use of heavy machinery
  • Medical conditions such as scoliosis or kyphosis

Muscle imbalances

Muscle imbalances are the most common cause of back pain. The pain is typically felt in a specific body region, such as the low back, upper back, or neck, and can range from mild to severe. Muscle imbalances occur when one muscle group becomes overdeveloped while other muscles remain weak.

This type of muscular imbalance causes an overcompensation in surrounding muscles, leading to them eventually becoming tight and strained. Common causes of muscle imbalance include physical activities requiring repetitive movement, including lifting heavy objects and sitting for long periods of time or having poor posture.

Muscle imbalances can worsen as we age if not addressed with exercise. A comprehensive stretching and strengthening program targeting all the major muscle groups can help restore balance in the muscular system and reduce back pain associated with imbalances. Stretching helps reduce tightness in tight muscles, thus alleviating tension on the nearby joints; strengthening promotes balanced development through a greater range of motion across muscles. In general, dynamic stretching (stretches that involve movement) should come before static stretching (holding a stretch without moving). Afterward, performing flexibility exercises such as Yoga or Pilates may provide further relief since they elongate tightened areas while also working on improving core strength to better maintain posture.

Weak core muscles

Back pain can have many causes, with weak core muscles potentially being one of them. Core muscles provide stability to the spine and help support the spine while maintaining good posture. Weak core muscles can cause the spine to become unstable and unable to handle even seemingly minor forces ranging from everyday activities such as holding a baby, bending down to tie your shoes, or getting out of bed in the morning.

Luckily there are exercises that can build strength and try to keep your core strong-aimed at preventing back pain or managing it once you already have an issue. The most important move for back health may be the bridge – lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, lift your hips up off the floor until shoulders, hips, and knees are in line – hold this position for 10 seconds before releasing; repeat 10 times.

Other exercises that could help protect against future problems include

  • planks
  • side bridges
  • clamshells

– all exercises that activate deep-lying core stabilizers known as multifidus muscles which are nestled between spinal discs along your entire spine – working these muscles helps hold your spine steady so it’s less vulnerable to injury or strain.

When doing any type of exercise be sure to maintain good form and aim not just for comfort but also for proper alignment of your body. If any exercise feels too difficult or causes pain immediately stop this type of activity until you’ve had a chance to consult a professional trainer or physical therapist – it’s essential that before likely ever self-diagnosing or self-medicating try not to put yourself in a position where you might cause more damage.

Benefits of Exercise

Exercise can be an effective way to reduce and prevent chronic back pain. Regular physical activity can improve muscle strength and flexibility, which can help relieve pain and discomfort. In addition, exercise can help reduce stress, reduce inflammation in the spine, and improve overall health.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of exercise for back pain:

Improved posture

One of the most neglected aspects of physical health is posture. Regular physical activity can help you relieve back pain and improve posture by strengthening your muscles and increasing flexibility. This improved alignment can reduce strain on your spine, leading to less pain.

Exercises that focus on strengthening your abdomen, lower back, and gluteal muscles, will help in supporting good posture. Targeted stretching exercises – like yoga or Pilates – may also be helpful by increasing range-of-motion and flexibility in your spine. And activities that incorporate aerobic exercises such as brisk walking are good for relieving tension in the muscles that support your lower back as well as for releasing endorphins to reduce pain (a win-win!).

When it comes to improving posture, focus on building a strong foundation from your feet up; strong ankles, hips, core, and shoulder muscles are essential to finding lasting relief from back pain. Small changes such as using a lumbar support pillow while sitting can help improve the ergonomics of any chair you sit in throughout the day— allowing a slight arch in the natural curve of your lower back – which can help relieve pressure and ease discomfort.

Strengthened core muscles

Core muscles are the muscles located around your midsection (abdominals, lower and upper back, hips and buttocks). Having strong core muscles is beneficial for reducing back pain because these muscles help support your spine and other joints. Exercising regularly can strengthen these key muscles and reduce pain.

Many core strengthening exercises are dynamic in nature – they incorporate a variety of movements to keep the focus on the entire abdominal area. Examples of such exercises include upper body torso twist, side bridges, Superman pose, reverse crunches, mountain climbers, bird dog pose, and lateral step-ups. Talk to a certified fitness professional about which exercise program is best for you. It’s important not to overload or overwork your core muscles as this can potentially lead to further injury.

Increased flexibility

One of the greatest benefits of exercise is increased flexibility. Flexible muscles can move through a greater range of motion without pain, which allows for better performance in activities like sports and dancing. Regular stretching and exercise also help keep joints mobile.

Increased flexibility may reduce your risk of injury by helping to reduce muscle tension, which can often cause aches and pains. It may also help improve posture by improving muscle balance around joints like the shoulders and spine. Improved flexibility may also lead to better overall joint health since your muscles can more effectively absorb the shock of walking or running. Finally, improved flexibility can help reduce back pain, as increased mobility in the hip flexors and hamstrings can decrease strain on the spine.

Types of Exercise to Relieve Back Pain

When you are dealing with back pain, the right exercise can make a big difference. Different types of exercises can help to relieve back pain, as well as strengthen the muscles in the back. From low-impact exercises to more strenuous workouts, there are many types of exercise to choose from that can help you manage your back pain. Let’s explore the various types of exercise to relieve back pain:


Yoga is a great form of exercise that can help to relieve the pain and discomfort of back pain while also helping improve your overall well-being. It combines physical poses, breathing techniques, and meditation to relax your entire body and ease muscle tension. This can help reduce the strain on your back as well as improve lower back flexibility, strength, and posture.

Yoga poses may vary from beginner to advanced depending on what you feel comfortable with doing. Many yoga classes will end with relaxation poses and deep breathing exercises which can help you relax your mind as well as balance out the energy in your body, leaving you feeling more relaxed in the end.

At-home yoga practice can be tailored to what works for you best and focus on poses that target muscles that particularly need attention for addressing lower back pain such as cat/cow, cobra pose, or child’s pose. It is very important to always listen to your body while practicing yoga – start with gentler poses instead of jumping into more advanced positions until it feels better. When properly done, it helps alleviate lower back tension, improves range of motion and once the pain subsides strengthens core muscles reducing future risk of injury or pains.


Pilates is a form of exercise that was developed in the early 20th century by German physical trainer Joseph Pilates. This type of exercise is designed to strengthen muscles, improve posture and balance, and promote overall physical well-being through an array of low-impact exercises. It is particularly helpful for those recovering from back pain as it helps to stretch and lengthen tight muscles and promote healthy posture.

Pilates exercises are completed using a combination of body weight resistance, breath control techniques, and concentration to create a fluid movement through challenging poses that target specific areas of the body. Some common moves include:

  • Shoulder blade squeeze (great for relieving shoulder pain)
  • Roll down (strengthens abdomen)
  • Bridges (works abdominal muscles)
  • The Hundred (increases breathing capacity while strengthening core muscles).

Additionally, specialized props like lightweight bars or elastic bands can be used to make the workouts more challenging or provide additional support during critical movements.

When participating in Pilates exercises, it’s important that individuals pay close attention to their posture throughout each move and stay within their own level of comfort. Working with an experienced instructor who can help guide proper technique and pacing is highly recommended for optimum results in relieving back pain.

Low-impact aerobics

Low-impact aerobics can be an effective form of exercise to improve back pain. This type of exercise is ideal for people who have mild to moderate back pain as it is gentler on the spine and joints than other intense forms of exercise. Low-impact aerobics involve movements with less impact on joints, such as jogging in a pool or walking on an elliptical machine.

Aerobic activity helps to improve overall cardiovascular fitness, strengthen muscles in the back and stomach (core) area, stretch tight muscles that may be tightening around the spine, reduce inflammation and increase endorphins (chemicals releasing natural “feel good” hormones). All these physical benefits can elevate one’s mood and decrease depression associated with chronic back pain.

It is best to start low-impact aerobic activities slowly and build up endurance by starting with a 5-10 minute session and gradually increasing the time as tolerated. It’s important to keep track of any changes or increases you make in your routine and make sure your body is ready for these increases. With low-impact aerobics, it’s also important that:

  • body alignment remains correct throughout all exercises performed in order to prevent any unnecessary strain on certain areas of your body or spine.
  • If you experience any discomfort during these activities, it is best to stop the activity so that you do not aggravate your condition further.

Frequently Asked Questions

The best exercise for back pain depends on the cause and severity of the pain. Some exercises that can help relieve pain include water aerobics, yoga, Pilates, stretching, and low-impact aerobic exercises such as walking, cycling, and swimming. Talk to your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

  1. Cat-Cow Stretch: Start on your hands and knees with your back in a neutral position. Inhale as you arch your back, pushing your belly down towards the floor. Exhale as you round your back up, tucking your chin towards your chest.
  2. Superman: Lie on your stomach with your arms extended above your head. Slowly lift your arms, chest, and legs off the ground, engaging your core and lower back muscles. Hold for a few seconds before releasing.
  3. Bridging: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips off the ground, squeezing your glutes and engaging your core. Hold for a few seconds before lowering your hips back down.

Yes, exercise can help reduce or even eliminate back pain, depending on the cause. Strengthening the muscles around the spine, stretching tight muscles, and improving flexibility can all help to reduce or eliminate back pain.

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It is important to note that everyone’s experience with back pain is different and what may work for one person may not work for another. Before beginning any exercise or activity to relieve your back pain, it’s important to speak with a qualified healthcare provider. He or she can help you identify the best course of action in order to reduce your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

By understanding the causes of your back pain, you can tailor an exercise or activity program that will target those underlying causes while helping you build strength, flexibility, balance, and stability in all of the right places. It is essential that any exercise program be tailored to meet individual needs in order to maximize benefits to physical health and overall quality of life.

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