How Can I Get Relief From Back Pain?


Understanding Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common problems people experience. It can be caused by many factors, including stress, poor posture, weak core muscles, and more. Knowing what is causing your back pain is essential to finding relief from it.

In this article, we’ll go over the various causes of back pain so that you can have a better understanding of what’s causing your discomfort and how you can address it:

Types of Back Pain

Back pain is a complex medical condition, and the exact cause may not always be immediately obvious. It can vary from person to person and even from moment to moment. Broadly speaking, however, it is usually classified into several different types which may require different treatments or approaches. Below are some of the main categories of back pain:

  • Acute/Short-Term Back Pain: This is a painful symptom caused by something that has happened more recently such as overuse or incorrect posture for a period of time. It may also be caused by an injury like a slipped disc, sciatica, or fibromyalgia. These conditions usually resolve themselves over time and don’t usually need further medical attention unless the pain gets worse or lasts more than three months.
  • Chronic Back Pain: This type of back pain is present for longer than three months and has no known cause or origin. It is often associated with long-term degenerative conditions such as spinal stenosis, herniated discs, or spondylolysis. It can also be caused by other diseases not related to the back such as bacterial infections on the spine, cancerous cells in the vertebrae, arthritis, and more.
  • Referred Back Pain: This type of back pain occurs when uncomfortably intense sensations are felt from a source far from where it was initially originating (eg – referred shoulder pain). There are nerves connecting our organs to our spine so if one organ experiences an issue it could cause discomfort somewhere else in our body – this phenomenon is referred to as ‘referred pain’.
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: This type of back pain originates when there is restricted movement in muscles near your pelvic floor due to either overstretching or excessive tension on them due to everyday movements (eg – sitting down).

Causes of Back Pain

Back pain can have a variety of causes, from something as simple as muscle strain due to overuse or lifting an excessively heavy object to a more serious condition, such as an infection or tumor. Depending on the underlying cause of the back pain, different treatments may be necessary for lasting relief.

Common causes of back pain include:

  • Strained or pulled muscles – Muscles in the lower back can become strained from any repetitive motion that compresses or overextends the spine. This type of back pain is caused by everyday activities like lifting heavy objects and tends to improve over time with rest and home remedies such as heat and stretching.
  • Muscular imbalance – This is when one muscle is weaker than its opposing muscle (antagonist) causing it to overcompensate and pull on a joint. For example, weak abdominal muscles could cause an increased arch in the lower spine leading to discomfort in that area. Strengthening the abdominal muscles usually helps alleviate this type of discomfort.
  • Disc injury – Nerve endings around damaged vertebrae can become inflamed and radiate pain throughout any area of the body. Treatment for disc injuries might involve physical therapy exercises to improve flexibility, posture, strength, and endurance; medications for inflammation; lifestyle modifications (i.e., low-impact activities); or even surgery depending on severity.
  • Arthritis – Over time, wear and tear due to daily activities can lead to significant damage in joints like those in the lower spine that connect vertebrae together. Osteoarthritis occurs most often after age 40 due to gradual cartilage breakdown; Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when inflammatory cytokines damage ligaments and bone surrounding a joint; and Psoriatic arthritis affects people who already have psoriasis and generally targets joints on both sides of the body (symmetrical joint involvement). Anti-inflammatory medications, exercise therapy, and massage therapy combined with heat/ cold therapies are some effective treatments employed by physical therapists for these conditions.

Lifestyle Changes

Back pain can have many causes, but one of the most effective treatments is making lifestyle changes. These changes can range from getting enough exercise and stretching regularly, to improving your posture and addressing any stressors in your life. By making these lifestyle changes, you can reduce your back pain significantly.

Let’s take a closer look at what these lifestyle changes might involve:


Exercise is an essential part of getting relief from back pain. Participating in regular exercise strengthens and stretches the muscles that support your spine. This helps to restore proper spinal alignment and reduce the stress on your joints, ligaments, and discs. Additionally, exercise helps to improve your flexibility, increases circulating oxygen levels within the body, and promotes a general feeling of well-being.

When including exercise in a treatment plan for back pain, it’s important to focus on types of exercises that emphasize stretching and strengthening movements. Low-impact activities that help build strength in the core muscles (abdominals, lumbar area) are particularly beneficial because they can help to provide stability throughout the entire body during movement. Examples of beneficial exercises include:

  • Swimming
  • Walking or hiking outdoors with low gradient hills or stairs (not steep hills).

Yoga is another excellent way of gaining relief from back pain while still providing strengthening and stretching benefits. Certain poses offer varying levels of stretching along with full body strengthening components which can effectively ease muscle aches due to misalignment or imbalances. In addition, yoga has been found to promote relaxation which can help reduce tension in the muscles as well as provide mental clarity and well-being benefits which feed into improved physical health overall!


One of the best ways to get relief from chronic back pain is by changing your posture. Proper posture is an essential part of preventing and managing back pain. When you sit or stand, keep your spine straight and stack your shoulders, hips, and knees in a line. This can help reduce the strain on your muscles and joints in the lower back, neck, and shoulders.

When sitting for extended periods of time, make sure you place a cushion between your lower back and the chair so that it provides additional support. You should also take frequent breaks from sitting if possible and get up to stretch out at regular intervals. Standing regularly throughout the day can also go a long way in keeping proper posture as well as relieving any tension that may have built up in various muscles across the body.

In addition to making sure you keep the right posture while standing or sitting, be mindful of how you are sleeping too – this plays a major role in maintaining proper posture as well as preventing chronic back pain. Make sure you are sleeping on an ergonomically suitable mattress that provides support to a pillow shaped correctly for neck alignment and also helps ensure good standing postures during awake hours. Special aides, such as a lumbar support cushion or orthopedic pillow may be necessary for some individuals with especially severe lower-back pain issues. A physical therapist or doctor will be able to assess if these supports are necessary for specific cases.


Diet plays an important role in reducing and managing back pain. Since a balanced diet helps keep the body strong, healthy, and functioning well, certain foods in particular are known to help reduce inflammation and the intensity of chronic pain.

For example, complex carbohydrates (found in foods such as oats and quinoa) help replace the energy used by the body for healing itself, while leafy green vegetables contain vitamins and minerals important for healthy bones. Additionally, essential fatty acids found in nuts, fish oils, or chia/ flax seeds can provide relief from arthritis or muscle aches due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Furthermore, avoiding trigger foods is also key for being able to lessen the effects of chronic pain. For instance, some people experience an increase in joint inflammation after eating processed meats (such as bacon or high-sodium lunch meats) due to their high sodium content. It is best to consult with a physician or nutritionist to determine which dietary approaches will best meet your individual needs.

Medical Treatments

Back pain can be debilitating and can prevent you from completing daily tasks and activities. Fortunately, there are a number of medical treatments available to help you find relief from your discomfort. These include medications, physical therapy, injections, and surgery.

In this section, we’ll explore the various medical treatments available and discuss which ones are the most effective for relieving back pain.


Back pain can vary in intensity and type, which makes it difficult to treat. Depending on the cause and severity of your symptoms, your doctor may recommend medications, physical therapy, and other treatments for relief.

Medications that are often prescribed for back pain include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as naproxen or ibuprofen; muscle relaxants; and opioids, such as codeine or morphine. Topical creams containing capsaicin can also help reduce inflammation in the affected area. In recent years, there has been a shift away from prescribing opioids for chronic back pain due to the high levels of abuse potential associated with these drugs.

Your doctor may also recommend physical therapy to strengthen the muscles that support your spine and back. This type of rehabilitation can help improve your posture while reducing stress on the joints and ligaments in the low back area. Your therapist may also prescribe exercises that target areas of discomfort or stiffness; these targeted movements can increase flexibility while decreasing tension in the area around your injury.

In some cases, minimally invasive procedures—such as epidural steroid injections or nerve root blocks—may provide short-term relief. Surgery is usually only recommended when other treatments have proven ineffective or if there has been significant nerve damage as a result of an accident or trauma. Regardless of which treatment option you select, make sure you discuss any serious changes you notice with your physician promptly after initiating treatment so that necessary adjustments can be made.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a great option for treating back pain. It focuses on strengthening your core and back muscles, improving balance and posture, and developing strategies to manage the pain, such as relaxation techniques, heat/cold therapy, and education about your condition. Physical therapists can also provide walking aids or braces to help with mobility issues caused by back pain.

If you have spinal stenosis or disc problems, physical therapy can help relieve the pressure on your affected nerve roots by restoring flexibility in your spine. Your physical therapist will design a program tailored to meet the unique needs of your condition; it may include:

  • Aerobic exercise
  • Strength-building exercises
  • Stretching exercises
  • Postural training


Surgical options for relieving back pain can range from minimally invasive techniques to complex reconstructive techniques. Many patients find the surgical intervention to be the fastest and most effective way to get lasting relief from their often severe back pain.

Common types of surgical treatment include:

  • Laminectomy (the removal of any excess tissue in the spinal canal to alleviate pressure on nerves)
  • Discectomy (the removal of a herniated disc)
  • Artificial disc replacement
  • Spinal fusion (a procedure that links vertebrae together in order to reduce movement)

Depending on your particular condition and the extent of your pain, your surgeon may also recommend other treatments such as epidural steroid injections, nerve root blocks, or facet joint injections. Your physician is best suited to discuss with you which procedure may provide you with the greatest long-term relief. If surgery is recommended, discuss what type of anesthesia and recovery period are necessary prior to any operation being performed.

Alternative Treatments

Back pain can be debilitating but there are treatments available beyond conventional pain medications and physical therapy. Alternative treatments such as yoga, acupuncture, massage, and cupping can be effective in treating back pain.

In this section, we will explore several alternative treatments and their potential to bring relief from back pain:


Acupuncture is an ancient practice that involves the use of needles placed into certain areas of the body to activate nerve pathways and promote circulation. Acupuncture is increasingly being used as a means of providing relief from back pain, as it is thought to encourage the body’s natural ability to heal itself. It may also affect levels of certain hormones or neurotransmitters in the body like serotonin, dopamine, and enkephalins.

Treatments are often tailored to each individual’s needs and involve stimulation of pressure points on the skin with thin metal needles that range in size and depth. The needles are inserted at various points around the back area in order to treat specific areas where pain has been detected. Sessions can last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour depending on how long it takes to stimulate all of the desired points.

A research review found evidence that acupuncture can be helpful for people who suffer from chronic lower back pain over a short period of time, but there is limited evidence for its long-term effectiveness for this condition as well as other forms of chronic pain such as neck pain.

Some studies have even concluded that there may be psychological benefits associated with acupuncture treatments, including stress relief and increased relaxation. In addition to offering analgesic (pain-relieving) effects and supporting emotional well-being, acupuncture may also help improve other aspects of physical health related to chronic problems like poor sleeping patterns or poor posture habits that could contribute to back issues over time.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is an alternative treatment used to alleviate the pain of back problems. It is based on the premise that restricted spinal movement leads to pain and reduced function. Chiropractors aim to gently manipulate joints and soft tissues in order to improve spinal motions, reduce muscle tightness and relieve pressure on certain nerves. While this kind of therapy can often help alleviate back pain, it may not be suitable for everyone and should be considered in consultation with a healthcare professional.

Chiropractic treatment typically involves sessions with a chiropractor who will conduct a physical examination and then use their specialized skill to manipulate the spine. The chiropractor may also recommend manipulation exercises or stretches for you to do at home; these are often used in combination with other methods such as massage therapy or ultrasound therapy. A chiropractor might also offer advice on lifestyle changes, including nutritional recommendations or stress management techniques, which can have positive effects on your overall health.

Some people find that regular visits to a chiropractor provide long-term relief from back pain; however, this is not always the case as sometimes symptoms may return shortly after treatment has been completed. On average, it takes five treatments before any significant progress is seen – always discuss your expectations with a healthcare professional before making any health decisions.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is an ancient remedy that has been found to be effective in relieving and managing back pain. Massage helps to reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, aid in relaxation, boost endorphins, and increase joint flexibility. In addition, massage can help with stress, fatigue, and insomnia – all of which are common when living with chronic pain.

A massage therapist typically uses a combination of techniques in order to best treat the individual’s condition. This can include the use of friction (long strokes across the grain of a muscle), petrissage (kneading or knuckle-like movements), tapotement (rapid percussion-like techniques), and effleurage (a gentle stroking technique). Depending on the location and intensity of your pain, the massage therapist may also incorporate therapeutic stretching or applied pressure using their fingertips.

Although massage can have beneficial effects on most types of back pain, it’s always important to remember that it should never replace the medical treatment prescribed by your doctor. A professional will be able to recommend whether massage may help provide relief for your individual circumstance.


One of the best ways to get relief from back pain is to take preventative measures to avoid it in the first place. Taking steps to maintain good posture, exercising regularly, and staying hydrated are all important aspects of preventing back pain.

In addition, eating a balanced and nutritious diet, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress can all be beneficial and help to reduce back pain.

Strengthen Core Muscles

Developing strength in your core muscles can help relieve and prevent back pain. A strong core will improve your posture, decrease pressure on affected joints, provide stability and reduce the risk of injury.

Some simple exercises that target your core muscles include planks, glute bridges, and crunches. Building good habits such as maintaining good posture and body alignment will also help prevent undue strain on specific parts of your back.

Additionally, it is recommended that you switch positions frequently when sitting for long periods of time to reduce the strain on the spine.

Improve Flexibility

Improving your flexibility and range of motion is an important part of pain relief and prevention; a flexible body can handle the stresses and strains of daily life better than a tight, stiff body. Flexibility allows your body to move through its full range of motion without strain and positions that can cause pain.

Stretching helps relieve tension, improve the range of motion and loosen up tight muscles that may be causing the pain. Stretches for the back can be active, dynamic, or static. There are specific stretches for different areas and activities – such as clicking, running, and computer work – and for different levels of experience. Talk to your healthcare provider about which stretching routine might be most beneficial for you.

It’s also important to maintain a proper posture when sitting or standing as poor posture can put unnecessary strain on the back muscles. Investing in a supportive chair or desk setup that keeps your spine in proper alignment is important to helping you maintain good posture while working or at rest. Keeping your core muscles strong – including abdominals and the muscles along your spine – will help support the back and decrease the chance of injury. Finding an exercise program tailored to strengthening these muscle groups is beneficial in preventing further problems down the line as well as improving overall strength.

Practice Proper Posture

When it comes to finding relief from back pain, learning and practicing proper posture are essential. Good posture is the best defense against back pain and helps to keep everything in its proper place. The human spine has three natural curves – an inward curve at the neck, an outward curve in the middle back, and an inward curve at the lower back – and your posture should honor those curves.

When sitting down for long periods of time, make sure your feet are flat on the ground with your knees bent slightly above hip level. Your hips should be square with your knees and shoulders facing directly forward. Additionally, you can use pillows to support your lower back or a rolled-up towel under your lower back for extra lumbar support when seated. To reduce strain on your neck when looking at a phone or laptop keyboard, pull it flush with your upper chest for improved ergonomics.

When standing, think about keeping an imaginary straight line running from earlobe to shoulder blade to hipbones so that all parts of the body are aligned properly, stopping excess slouching or swaying in relation to gravity. Keep feet shoulder-width apart while distributing weight evenly while standing, shifting body weight often as you work or stand in one location for more than 15 minutes at a time.

Consistently practicing good posture throughout daily life will help alleviate existing tension due to poor posture and help manage future pain arising from muscle fatigue or poor alignment of joints resulting from our body’s preferred positions based on habits learned over time.

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