Hip Pain Symptoms

Are you having problems with hip pain? You’re not alone. Hip pain is one of the most common complaints doctors hear, and it can affect anyone of any age. In this article, we’ll review some of the most common symptoms of hip pain so you can get back on track to feeling your best.


What Causes Hip Pain?

Hip pain can be caused by a number of different factors. In some cases, the cause is unknown, while in other cases, the source of hip pain can be traced to an underlying condition or injury. It is important to recognize what causes hip pain and to seek appropriate treatment when necessary.

Hip pain can be caused by certain injuries or medical conditions. Some of the most common causes include arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, strained muscles and ligaments, inflammation of the joint capsule or labrum (tendons that attach muscle to bone), contusions (bruises), fractures, and dislocations. Injuries such as excessive physical activity may also increase the risk for hip pain although usually, this type of injury does not result in long-term disability.

Certain medical conditions including diabetes, obesity, and lupus may also increase the risk for the development of hip pain although this is typically not an immediate concern after diagnosis with the condition itself. Rheumatoid arthritis may also contribute to discomfort due to inflammation and increased stiffness which can damage surrounding tissues leading to bone degeneration and more severe damage over time if not managed properly.

Finally but certainly not least, infection in or around tissue surrounding a joint is another common cause of persistent chronic hip pain which should always be considered if initial treatments do not yield relief from discomfort.

Inflamed Tendons

Acute hip pain is often due to an inflamed tendon in the hip. This type of pain is often caused by overuse of the joint, especially when extra strain is placed on it. Pain can be sharp or may come on suddenly after using too much intensity during exercise or physical activities for a few days. Inflamed tendons are also very common and can cause very intense pain. In addition, there may be swelling around the area as well as restricted movement in the joint.

The most common cause of this type of pain comes from overworking the muscles surrounding the joint and causing strain to pull on tendons throughout the area. As a result, inflammation can occur and cause irritation to tissues throughout the region surrounding your hip. In addition to intense pain, you may find a limited range of motion or reduced flexibility in your affected limb.

Some other causes have been linked to having certain medical conditions such as arthritis or gout, having previous injuries, diseases such as bursitis, infection, or trauma that can lead to inflammation and swelling in your joints as well. If left untreated, chronic issues such as osteoarthritis may develop due to neglecting acute systems caused by inflamed tendons in your hips.

Therefore it is important to take action early if you experience any symptoms located around your hips which could be due to an inflamed tendon issue before any further damage occurs inside your body.


Arthritis is a term used to describe pain caused by inflammation of the hip joint. There are several types of arthritis that can cause hip injury, the two most common of which are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Osteoarthritis (OA) is by far the most common form with about 10 million Americans suffering from it. OA is caused by a degradation of joint cartilage, leading to pain and stiffness. Symptoms often develop in people over the age of 40, however, it can affect adults of any age. Pain is typically localized in joints that must perform frequent motion such as hips and knees.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly begins attacking its own tissues, resulting in inflammation and pain. It is typically seen more often in women than men and can occur at any age but often appears during adulthood between 30-50 years old. The symptoms include tender joints, swelling, and limited movement.

Infectious arthritis or septic arthritis usually occurs due to an infection caused by bacteria or viruses that have spread from another part of the body to the joint tissue or fluids around the joint. Symptoms include fever, redness, warmth, and swelling around an affected area followed by severe pain.

Traumatic arthritis develops as a result of a direct or indirect trauma such as a fall on one’s hip that results in damage to muscle or tendon surrounding a joint causing inflammation and thus pain when moving it. Symptoms may include swelling, tenderness over the affected joint/area, difficulty passing bowel motions or urinating due to a painful sensation in the lower back area.

Trochanteric Bursitis

Trochanteric bursitis is one of the more common causes of hip pain in adults. It is a condition in which the bursa, which is a small synovial pouch, becomes inflamed around the outside of the hip joint due to an injury or other conditions.

Pain can range from mild to severe and will most likely be felt when the movement of the hip joint occurs or when pressure is applied to the hip area. Symptoms may include tenderness at the point of inflammation and difficulty in rotation or flexing your leg at the hip or opening your legs apart.

Possible causes could include postural problems, repetitive motions, overuse injuries such as running, cycling, or other activities that involve continuous impact such as dancing, trauma related to a fall or a direct hit to your hip area, degenerative diseases such as arthritis that affect your bones and joints, infection around your trochanteric bursa and calcium buildup which places pressure on your bursa leading to inflammation.

Other conditions associated with this type of pain are arthritis in different forms such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, tendonitis like greater trochanteric tendonitis that affects tendons connected with your trochanteric bursa, piriformis syndrome where muscle spasms occur at a deep pelvic level that radiates throughout the lower back and even down into legs due to compression around the sciatic nerve, stress fracture particularly if you’re just starting an exercise program resulting from weak bones and so on.

If left untreated this condition may lead to permanent injury that can be quite debilitating causing difficulty in walking sitting or even during sleep due to increased levels of pain during negligent movements like changing positions while lying down etc.

Hip Fractures

Hip fractures are a common and serious injury that can cause severe hip pain and even disability. A hip fracture is a break or very painful crack in the upper part of your thighbone, right at the hip joint. This type of injury usually only affects older adults, although young people can also suffer from a fractured hip under certain circumstances like trauma or amplified physical activity.

One of the most common causes of this is osteoporosis, which weakens bones and makes them more likely to break under strain or pressure. Other factors can contribute to a fractured hip as well such as medical conditions that lead to weakened bones, medications with side effects that increase your risk of falling and injuring yourself, and balance problems or poor vision that make you more prone to dropping things.

It’s important that people who believe they may be experiencing symptoms associated with a fractured hip seek immediate medical attention. Some early signs include severe pain in the hip or groin area; difficulty bearing weight; swelling; bruising; loss of range of motion around the hip joint; incapability of bending your knee toward your chest; and inability to stand on your feet on just one leg for more than 10 seconds at a time.

Treatment varies widely depending on severity but typically involves surgery, physical therapy, and possible blood clot prevention measures such as blood thinner medications in order to avoid pulmonary embolism (blood clots in lungs).

Snapping Hip Syndrome

Snapping hip syndrome is a condition commonly seen in athletes and dancers. It causes a snapping or popping sensation around the hip joint, usually during physical activity. Snapping hip syndrome can be caused by a variety of different factors, including a tear of cartilage on the femur, tendons or ligaments catching on bony prominences, and muscles sliding over bony structures.

The most common form of snapping hip syndrome is internal snapping hip syndrome. This occurs when the long head of the iliopsoas tendon moves over the anterior part of the femur as it contracts and abducts the thigh. The patient may hear a loud clicking or snapping sound that is usually painless but can cause discomfort and prevent full motion range in some cases.

External snapping hip syndrome is caused by either repetitive contraction of a muscle and its tendons sliding over a bony prominence, such as trochanteric bursa or greater trochanter; or iliotibial band friction over ITB touches the greater trochanter during activities such as running that involves quick changes in body position.

The patient may experience pain when tensed muscles shorten with movement such as running where there is an increased amount of tension applied to the ITB band causing it to slide across the greater trochanter bone causing sharp pain along with a snapping sound associated with it.

When Should We Seek Emergency Care?

Hip pain can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and may require prompt attention. It is important to be aware of some of the most common causes of hip pain, such as arthritis, bursitis, and fractures. If your hip pain symptoms are severe or have persisted for more than a few days, it is important to seek medical attention in order to diagnose any underlying condition accurately and receive the proper treatment.

When seeking emergency care for hip pain, it may be helpful to consider any serious conditions that could be causing the pain. Septic arthritis, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), joint infection, sudden trauma, or dislocation should never be taken lightly and require immediate help from healthcare professionals. In addition, you may need medical attention if you experience:

  • Severe pain in the hip joint
  • Swelling or redness around the joint
  • A fever larger than 100°F
  • Inability to move your affected leg
  • Numbness or tingling over the affected area

The cause of hip pain can vary depending on age demographics—for example, young people tend to suffer more often from strain injuries while older people are more apt to suffer joint degeneration due to years of use. Regardless of age, when confronted with severe hip pain always consult a doctor promptly.

It is important that you contact a doctor immediately if any unusual symptoms occur along with your hips’ pronounced discomfort in order to receive swift medical attention before those symptoms worsen into something more serious.

Hip Pain Diagnosis

If you are experiencing hip pain, your doctor may order a variety of tests to help diagnose the source of your discomfort. After a thorough physical exam, imaging tests may be necessary to provide detailed views of the affected area. Imaging tests commonly ordered for hip pain include X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs.

X-rays are often used in initial screenings to get an overview of an impacted area. X-rays can’t differentiate between healthy and abnormal tissue, so more detailed imaging might be necessary after obtaining an initial x-ray. CT scans create layered images that allow doctors to identify soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments, and nerve pathways around the joint— helping them pinpoint their diagnosis with greater accuracy than an x-ray alone can provide.

Finally, an MRI has advanced imaging capabilities that allow doctors to view both hard and soft tissues in great detail without the need for exposure to illumination. This allows doctors to detect abnormalities within the joint structure along with lesions or scarring within other tissues surrounding it. Furthermore, this sophisticated imaging technology can detect fluid surrounding a damaged area that may not otherwise be visible on traditional X-rays or CT scans alone.

In some cases, joint fluid tests might also be requested in order to further analyze damage if any signs of infection exist. Joint fluid tests will help doctors determine clinic status before recommending treatments such as medications or surgery. Through careful diagnosis by our experienced team members combined with these powerful imaging tools, we are well-positioned to help you alleviate your hip pain and resume normal activities quickly and safely!

Treatment Options for Hip Pain

If you are experiencing hip pain, there are many treatment options available to help you manage it. Depending on the cause of your hip pain, your doctor may recommend a few days of bed rest to allow the damaged hip joint to heal and become mobile again. Analgesics, such as Aleve or similar medications, may be prescribed as needed for pain relief and anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce swelling.

Physical therapy is often successful in improving and maintaining flexibility and strength in the hip joints while recovering from such trauma. Physical therapy usually involves strengthening exercises once the injured joint is healed enough to bear some weight. Your physical therapist will go over a program designed specifically for your needs and advise proper usage of crutches or other support devices needed for walking better.

In some cases, an invasive procedure may be recommended by your doctor; surgery is a common intervention used to help reduce chronic hip discomfort or deformity. A new artificial joint can be implanted in place of an old one that has become severely damaged from arthritis or another condition.

This type of surgery — called total hip replacement — is often successful but takes a few weeks for healing afterward followed by physical therapy sessions with the therapist given earlier in this article.

Hip fractures are also treated surgically; however, it depends on what caused the fracture and where it’s located on the bone as well as other factors that must be taken into account. Hip replacements usually involve fewer complications than these more serious fractures, which often require surgical pins spaced through the joint to hold pieces together until they heal correctly; this stabilization is usually enough so you can begin learning how to use your new joint within a few days post-op! It’s important that you follow all instructions given by your doctor before returning home with specific guidelines related to upcoming recovery care at home — this includes further advice about medication taking including Aleve if necessary!

Frequently Asked Questions

Hip pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, arthritis, bursitis, or a pinched nerve. It is important to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis of the cause of your hip pain so that you can receive the correct treatment.

If you have hip pain or stiffness that lasts for more than a few days, you may have a hip problem. Other signs of a hip problem include difficulty walking, difficulty bending and twisting, or difficulty rising from a seated position. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention.

Common symptoms of bursitis of the hip include:

Pain in the hip area, which may be worse when walking, sitting, or lying down.

Stiffness in the hip area

Swelling or tenderness in the hip area

Redness or warmth in the hip area

Limited range of motion in the hip area

Weakness in the hip area

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Hip pain can have a range of causes and can vary from a very minor ache to a more serious injury. When it comes to hip pain, it is important to identify the underlying cause so your doctor can develop an effective treatment plan.

The first step in dealing with any type of hip pain is to see your primary care doctor or orthopedist for a full evaluation, including the following: current and past medical history; physical examination; x-rays or other imaging studies (such as CT or MRI scan); lab tests; and any other tests required to distinguish between various diagnoses related to hip pain.

Once you have identified the cause of your hip pain, treatment options will vary depending on the severity of your condition. Commonly prescribed treatments include rest, over-the-counter analgesics such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, ice packs, physical therapy exercises focusing on core strength and stabilization techniques; certain medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); steroid injections; and in rare cases, surgery.

No matter what approach you take when dealing with hip pain, it is important that you discuss all of your symptoms with your healthcare team so that they can help guide you toward finding relief.

Spine Institute NY