Things To Avoid With Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is a condition that can worsen over time, and it can be painful. But there are ways to avoid making it worse. Here are some things to avoid if you have this condition.


Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is a condition that refers to the deterioration of the spinal discs. This breakdown of the discs can lead to pain, stiffness, and other symptoms.

Degenerative Disc Disease

There are many things that can cause or contribute to degenerative disc disease, including aging, wear and tear from use, injury, and genetics. The discs act as cushions between the vertebrae in your spine, and over time they may begin to shrink and break down. This process can be painful, and it can also cause the vertebrae to rub against each other, which can lead to further pain and inflammation.

There are many things that can trigger or worsen the symptoms of degenerative disc disease, including certain movements, posture, obesity, and smoking. If you have degenerative disc disease, it’s important to avoid these triggers as much as possible to prevent further pain and damage to your spine.

Degenerative disc disease can be treated with a variety of methods, including medication, physical therapy, injections, and surgery. The best way to treat your specific condition will depend on the severity of your symptoms and how well you respond to different treatments. If you’re dealing with pain from degenerative disc disease, talk to your doctor about all of your treatment options so you can find the best way to relieve your symptoms.

What to Avoid with Degenerative Disc Disease

There are certain things you should avoid if you have degenerative disc disease. These include smoking, drinking too much soda, and Poor posture.


Nicotine constricts blood vessels and decreases blood flow. This can lead to degeneration of the discs and other symptoms associated with degenerative disc disease.


Phosphoric acid in soda can leach calcium from bones, which can lead to problems with degenerative disc disease.


Alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to absorb vitamin C, which is important for the health of the discs. Drinking too much alcohol can also lead to bone loss and other problems associated with degenerative disc disease.

Poor Posture

Poor posture can put unnecessary strain on the discs and other parts of the spine, which can lead to pain and other symptoms associated with degenerative disc disease.

Exercises to Avoid

There are a few types of high-impact exercises that are best to avoid if you have degenerative disk disease.

These include:

  • Heavy lifting: This puts greater stress on your spine and may lead to more pain and damage.
  • High-impact aerobics: These activities may put too much strain on your disks and make your pain worse. Instead, try low-impact exercises such as swimming or riding a stationary bike.
  • Spinal twists: These can also aggravate disk pain. If you do them, be sure to do them slowly and under control.

A recent study found that people who did an intermediate amount of exercise had the best outcomes. They had less pain and disability than those who didn’t exercise at all or who exercised too much. It’s thought that the cumulative effects of exercise may help to “strengthen” the disks and help prevent further degeneration.

Foods and Drinks to Avoid

A diet for degenerative disc disease should include healthy foods that are low in saturated fat and sugar. You should also avoid foods that can make symptoms worse, such as those that increase inflammation.

Sugary Beverages

Sugary beverages like soda and fruit juice are some of the worst offenders when it comes to inflammation. In fact, one study showed that people who consume sugary drinks daily have a greater risk of developing degenerative disc disease. If you’re going to drink juice, make sure it’s 100% fruit juice with no added sugar. And instead of soda, opt for seltzer water or unsweetened tea.

Palm Oil

Palm oil is a type of vegetable oil that’s extracted from palm fruit. It’s commonly used in processed foods like cookies and crackers as a stabilizer or emulsifier. But palm oil is high in saturated fat, which can increase inflammation. If you have degenerative disc disease, it’s best to avoid foods that contain palm oil.

White Rice

White rice is a refined grain that has been stripped of its bran and germ. This process makes it lower in fiber and nutrients than its whole-grain counterpart, brown rice. white rice is also high on the glycemic index, which means it can cause spikes in blood sugar levels. For people with degenerative disc disease, these spikes can trigger pain and inflammation. It’s best to avoid white rice and other refined grains like white bread and pasta. Instead, opt for whole grains like brown rice, oats, and quinoa.

Lunch Meats

Lunch meats are a common staple in many people’s diets, but they’re often high in fat and salt. In addition, lunch meats are often processed with nitrates, which can convert into cancer-causing chemicals when they’re heated. If you have degenerative disc disease, it’s best to avoid lunch meats altogether or opt for leaner cuts of meat that haven’t been processed with nitrates.

Fatty Cuts of Red Meat

Red meat is a good source of protein, but fatty cuts of red meat can increase inflammation. If you eat red meat, make sure to choose leaner cuts like sirloin or round steak instead of fattier options like ribeye or prime rib. You should also limit your intake of red meat to no more than two servings per week to reduce your risk of developing degenerative disc disease

Should You Take Medications?

You’ve been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease (DDD), and your doctor has offered you medication as a treatment option. But is it the right choice for you?

Steroid drugs, such as Motrin, are sometimes prescribed to ease inflammation in the spinal column and relieve pain associated with degenerative disc disease. However, these inflammatory drugs can have serious side effects, including gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcers, and kidney damage.

Epidural injections of steroids are another option, but they too can have serious side effects, including nerve damage and paralysis. In addition, there is no evidence that epidural injections provide long-term relief for degenerative disc disease.

Surgery is usually only recommended for degenerative disc disease if other treatment options have failed and the pain is severe. If you do choose to have surgery, be sure to consult with a qualified surgeon who has experience performing the procedure.

Avoid Slouching

Degenerative disc disease is a condition that results in the deterioration of the discs that cushion the vertebrae in your spine. The discs become thinner and less able to protect the vertebrae from shocks and stress. As the discs deteriorate, they may bulge, herniate, or break open (rupture), causing pain.

One of the best things you can do to prevent degenerative disc disease is to avoid slouching. Slouching puts additional light on your discs, which can speed up their deterioration.

It’s also important to maintain good back health in general. This means exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding activities that put unnecessary strain on your back. If you already have degenerative disc disease, there are treatments that can help relieve your pain and improve your quality of life.

If you think you may have degenerative disc disease, talk to your doctor. They can diagnose the condition and recommend treatment options that are right for you.

Got Degenerative Disc Disease? Focus On These Things.

Degenerative disc disease is a condition that can have a great impact on your life. It’s important to focus on degenerative disc disease prevention and positive behaviors that will keep your spine healthy.

Here are things to avoid if you have degenerative disc disease:

  • Not drinking enough water. Drinking plenty of water is a key element in overall health, and it’s especially important if you have degenerative disc disease. Water helps to keep the discs in your spine healthy by keeping them hydrated. Not drinking enough water can lead to greater stress on the discs, which can cause pain and other problems.
  • Carrying excess pounds. Being overweight or obese puts extra stress on the spine, which can lead to pain and other problems. Carrying excess weight also puts you at greater risk of developing other health problems such as diabetes and heart disease. Losing weight can help reduce the risk of these problems and improve your overall health.
  • Not getting enough physical activity. Physical activity is important for overall health, but it’s also crucial for maintaining a healthy spine. Exercise helps to strengthen the muscles that support the spine, which can help reduce pain and improve mobility. It’s important to choose exercises that are appropriate for your level of pain and avoid activities that may worsen your symptoms.
  • Improper lifting techniques. If you lift heavy objects regularly, it’s important to use proper lifting techniques to avoid stress on the spine. Bend at the knees and keep the object close to your body as you lift. Avoid twisting or turning your body while lifting, as this can put additional strain on the discs in your spine.
  • Smoking tobacco products. Smoking tobacco products is bad for your overall health and can also have a negative impact on your spine health. Smoking decreases blood flow to the spinal discs, which prevents them from getting the nutrients they need to stay healthy. This can lead to pain and other problems associated with degenerative disc disease.

What Are the Treatment Options for Degenerative Disc Disease?

Degenerative disc disease is a condition that many people experience as they age. It’s caused by the deterioration of the discs that cushion your vertebrae, and it can lead to a host of spine-related problems.

The good news is that there are many things you can do to treat degenerative disc disease and help relieve your symptoms. Orthopedic doctors at AICA Orthopedics will develop a personalized treatment plan for you based on the specific symptoms you’re experiencing.

One of the most important things you can do for degenerative disc disease is to avoid further injury to your spine. That means no risky activities like contact sports or extreme sports. If you have a physically demanding job, be sure to take precautions to avoid back injuries.

Physical therapy is often an important part of treatment for degenerative disc disease. A physical therapist can help you stretch and strengthen the muscles around your spine, which can help take pressure off your discs and improve your symptoms.

Chiropractic care is another option that can be helpful for degenerative disc disease. A chiropractor will use gentle adjustments to realign your spine and take pressure off your discs. This noninvasive approach can be very effective in relieving pain and other symptoms.

If conservative treatments like these don’t relieve your symptoms, there are also surgical treatment options available. Orthopedic surgeons at AICA Orthopedics are experts in spine surgery, and they can work with you to find the best solution for your needs.

If you’re dealing with degenerative disc disease, the orthopedic doctors at AICA Orthopedics can help. We offer a wide range of treatment options, from physical therapy to surgery, and we will work with you to find the best solution for your specific situation. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Degenerative disc disease is a condition that cannot be reversed. However, there are treatments available that can help to relieve the symptoms associated with the condition.

Degenerative disc disease is a condition that occurs when the discs between the vertebrae of the spine deteriorate. This can lead to pain, numbness, and weakness in the affected area.

The side effects of degenerative disc disease can include pain, numbness, and weakness.

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While there is no cure for degenerative disc disease, there are treatments that can help to ease the pain and improve your quality of life.

These include:

  • Eating a healthy diet that includes lean protein, whole grains, moderate amounts of nutritious fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Getting regular aerobic exercise
  • Avoiding activities that put excessive stress on your back, such as heavy lifting or strenuous physical activity
  • Maintaining a regular exercise routine to keep your back and core muscles strong

If you have degenerative disc disease, it’s important to avoid activities that could further damage your discs. These include smoking and being overweight or obese. Both of these habits can lead to additional stress on your already damaged discs.

Here’s how inversion therapy can help with degenerative disc disease:


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