Lower Back Pain When Sitting

Are you fed up with lower back pain nagging you when you sit for extended periods of time? If so, you are in the right place! In this blog, we will tackle the annoying issue of lower back pain when sitting from every angle and show you how to get rid of it once and for all. Let’s stop this never-ending cycle of back pain causing frustration and instead start living life to the fullest.


Bad Posture

PostureOne of the main reasons for lower back pain when sitting is bad posture. Poor posture can lead to added strain on the back muscles and spine, resulting in pain and discomfort. Good posture is important for physical health, as it helps to reduce fatigue and stress on the body’s muscles and joints. It also helps maintain an ideal balance between your skeleton, muscles, ligaments, joints, and other soft tissues to support a natural balance in your body. That said, maintaining an excellent posture is often more difficult than it sounds.

Most people sit without proper assessment of their body mechanics and when not held in its proper alignment the spine can be overstressed. This causes an excess load on the muscles of the neck, shoulders, back, core, and hips which can lead to uncomfortable strain or spasms in those areas as well as increased fatigue or potential damage with long-term use.

One of the most obvious causes of poor posture while sitting is slouching or hunching over while seated at a desk. Such poses put undue stress on our back muscles leading to weakness over time or even injury if left unchecked. As we age factors like osteoporosis or arthritis contribute further contributing factors to lower back pain arising from poor posture while seated

It’s important that you are aware of how you are positioning yourself when sitting including how far you are leaning forward at your work table or desk if you are looking directly ahead at your computer monitor or phone etc., even if you have adequate lumbar support for optimum spine alignment etc., all of which factor into good postural health.

Spinal Disc Compression

Lower back pain when sitting is most commonly caused by compression of the intervertebral discs of the spine. The intervertebral discs are located between each of the vertebrae of the spine and act as shock absorbers or cushions to prevent bone-to-bone contact. They are made up of a spongy material that gives the spine flexibility while providing protection and cushioning.

When too much compression is placed on discs due to long-term sitting or sitting in an awkward position, it can cause pain in other areas such as hips, legs, and buttocks. Pain may also be felt in the lower back itself due to increased pressure on nerve roots exiting from your spinal cord.

To reduce pain when sitting from disc compression, try getting more comfortable seating with some cushioning such as a lumbar support pillow, or using an ergonomic chair if possible. You should also try to sit with good posture and keep your knees slightly higher than your hips while ensuring that you switch positions frequently during sitting activities.

Keep your lower back extended rather than rounded as much as possible and avoid hunching over any reading materials used while seated for long periods of time. With a bit of adjustment and proper care for your lower back, you’ll find you experience less pain during extended periods of sitting in no time at all!

Shorter Hip Flexors

Prolonged sitting can cause back problems due to the shortening of the hip flexors. This can lead to a forward tilt of the pelvis, which places an unnatural curve onto the spine.

The pelvic bones are normally held in a neutral position while standing and walking. In this position, they create an even weight distribution across the hips. When seated for a long period of time without taking breaks, the hip flexors become too tight and pull the pelvic bones forward into a tilted position called pelvic tilt. This forces the lower spine into its own unnatural curve that can result in back pain when standing or walking again.

Preventing this from occurring requires counteracting stretching exercises that relieve the tension from sitting for long periods of time in order to create more balance between muscles, ligaments, and joints along with more flexibility in the lower region.

Exercises designed specifically for shorter hip flexors should focus on reversing the forward rotation of your hips and creating length in your glutes and spinal muscles as well as in your hamstrings, quads, and abs. Other activities such as yoga pose that target pelvic tilt forces can also assist in preventing further damage to your lower back caused by sitting too long.

Back Strain

Lower back pain when sitting can be caused by a variety of factors, with one of the most common sources being strained back muscles. When your core muscles are weak, you are unable to fully support your own weight on your upper half. As such, when you sit for extended periods, the strain placed upon your upper body can negatively affect lower back muscles and cause discomfort or even pain.

To prevent this strain – and any potential lower back pain – it is important to remain mindful of posture while sitting. Make sure to keep your head in line with the rest of your spine and ensure that your feet are flat on the floor should be kept elevated (if possible) so that your legs are at least parallel with the ground. Additionally, keeping elbows close to the body will also help relieve some tension from hunching forward or overreaching.

When going long periods of sitting start to add light exercises every thirty minutes or so in order to stretch and loosen up tight muscles. Additionally, light core exercises can help strengthen abdominal muscles for further support for a distress-free posture and reduce any lower back pain frequently caused by sitting too long without proper form or movement breaks.

Restricted Blood Flow

Restricted Blood Flow

Blood flow restriction can occur in the veins of the legs and lower back which causes a condition called deep vein thrombosis(DVT). This is when a clot forms in improperly functioning blood vessels. Sitting too long can generally cause restricted blood flow. Not only can it be a source of lower back pain, but it can also lead to varicose veins in the legs and feet.

Good Chance

It’s usually impossible to know whether reduced blood flow is due to DVT until it’s diagnosed. But if you find yourself with lower back pain when sitting for long periods of time, or if you get easily winded after walking short distances, there’s a good chance you have reduced blood flow caused by DVT.

Concerted Effort

To address this, it is best to take steps to reduce restricted blood flow. This includes making sure your workspace is ergonomically set up – with appropriate seating and adequate legroom – and limiting sitting time as much as possible. Stretching exercises throughout your day may help alleviate discomfort, but if your pain persists or worsens, contact your doctor right away. It may require a more concerted effort than just stretching or setting up an ergonomic workspace to solve the issue once and for all.

Lack of Movement

Lower back pain when sitting is common in adults who have been sedentary for a long time, particularly those with bad knees or other underlying medical conditions. When sitting for extended periods of time, the muscles in the lower back become stagnant and stiff, leading to pain and discomfort. As such, it’s important to understand how to reduce or eliminate lower back pain while sitting.

First and foremost, it’s important to move around frequently while seated. Even if you have bad knees or another medical condition that limits your ability to be active, shifting your body weight periodically or doing light stretching can provide relief from lower back discomfort. Skipping exercise may also be exacerbating lower back pain; sedentary individuals can re-engage the muscles through regular exercise—even gentle exercises such as walking or swimming—to keep them fit and reduce discomfort.

In addition to exercise, those who sit for more hours than they should consider reducing the amount of time spent in one position by taking regular breaks (every 30 minutes). Sitting on a well-supported surface helps maintain proper posture while seated and can help reduce stress on the spine.

People with lower back pain when sitting should also consider taking short breaks throughout their work day; even standing up for a minute is beneficial in helping relieve tension in the body’s ligaments and joints. Taking frequent breaks throughout your workday could be key to improving comfortability when spending long periods of time seated.

What To Do

Do you experience lower back pain when sitting? If you do, it is important to take steps to help reduce your discomfort because untended lower back pain can interfere with your daily activities.

The best way to handle the problem of lower back pain is to identify and reduce the underlying causes. When our posture is bad, it places strain on the muscles and ligaments in our body, resulting in tension and inflammation of the soft tissues that can cause lower back pain. We may also be sitting for longer periods than usual due to our current careers, which could add to the problem.

One way to help relieve your lower back pain is by taking time away from work activities during your day and performing stretches or exercises specifically designed for relieving tension in your lower back region. Swimming or walking are also effective forms of exercise that require minimal pressure or impact on affected areas. Investing in a proper ergonomic chair or cushion could also help alleviate discomfort while you sit too.

Changing positions throughout the day can be beneficial as well as this will allow each area of the spine an opportunity to stretch and rest; breaking up long periods of sitting altogether can certainly help too! Additionally, making sure that your laptop’s screen is at eye level should you be ‘desking’ will ensure you are sat in less compromised positions throughout these hours.

Though many people turn directly towards medicine for treating their symptoms, a more holistic approach such as stretching regularly, getting enough sleep each night, and having correct posture while standing up and sitting down are recommended courses of action first before resorting to medication!

Go Ergonomic

Lower back pain when sitting is more common than you might think, and it often results from poor posture or inadequate seating. Sitting for long periods of time can be detrimental to your health and comfort, but luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to reduce or even eliminate back pain while seated.

Investing in an ergonomic desk setup or specialized seating with lumbar support will provide the best benefit if you struggle with frequent back pain while working.

When it comes to ergonomics and sitting, proper alignment of the spine is key to reducing stress on the muscles that support your body. Make sure your chair has a supportive cushion that promotes good posture with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Another helpful hint for lower back pain prevention is a standing desk – suitable for occasional use.

This will help change up your posture more often and also encourage state an active state throughout the day which can be useful in treating chronic lower back pain.

You should always take regular breaks from sitting, ideally every 20-30 minutes, and opt for light stretching activities to move around instead of relying solely on sitting for a long period of time. Additionally, arranging objects at a comfortable height that doesn’t require excessive reaching or bending will provide relief from strain on the neck and shoulders as well as the lower back muscles.

The most important thing to remember is to treat your body well while sitting by making sure that you’re comfortable in an ergonomically sound position – any minor adjustments to posture/ alignment could make all the difference!

Try Inversion Therapy

Many people suffer from lower back pain when sitting for prolonged periods of time. Inversion therapy is a natural way to relieve this pain and maybe your answer. It involves lying backward on an inversion table so that your body forms an inverted V-shape with the table while suspended in the air. This reversal of gravity causes a decompression at the joints and discs of your spine, giving them the ability to relax and relieve their built-up tension.

Inversion tables come in many variations, but the one most often recommended is a Teeter inversion table. A Teeter table is one of the highest quality, made FDA-cleared with a three-year guarantee, and it’s third-party certified with more than 37+ quality checks on each unit before shipment.

Furthermore, it offers precision balanced rotation using its patented steel ball bearing system which allows for smooth cycling motion with adjustable intensity and duration ranging from 20 seconds to 10 minutes per session.

The Teeter Inversion Table’s innovative design will help stretch out tight muscles and reposition spinal misalignments that could be causing back pain from compressed discs or herniated discs. Through the use of an inversion table balance components support body weight over long sessions minimizing physical strain during usage, this is done by featuring comfortable padding beneath your lower legs.

With this combination of features, you can enjoy deeper stretches at optimal angles for fewer intense sessions compared to standard stretching exercises.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are a few things you can do to prevent low back pain while sitting:

  1. Use a lumbar support pillow or roll to maintain the natural curve in your lower back.
  2. Sit up tall and avoid slouching.
  3. Place your feet flat on the floor.
  4. Take regular breaks to walk around and stretch your back and legs.

One possible reason for lower back pain from sitting could be that the person has poor posture and is not sitting up straight. Additionally, if the person does not have proper back support while sitting, this could also contribute to lower back pain.

There is no general answer to this question as it depends on the individual and the cause of their lower back pain. However, it is generally recommended to avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time if you are experiencing lower back pain. Instead, it is advised to take breaks often to move around and stretch.

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It is often necessary to make lifestyle changes, such as engaging in regular exercise or making ergonomic changes, to reduce or manage lower back pain when sitting for long. Inversion therapy has become popular in recent years for its proposal as an effective form of treatment for chronic back pain.

Although evidence supporting the effectiveness and safety of this practice is limited and inconclusive, some studies suggest that it may be beneficial to help relieve pain due to compression on the spine experienced from being seated.

Before engaging in any type of self-care treatment, it’s important to seek advice from a medical professional responsible for your care, who can advise on safer ways to reduce the associated risks and negative side effects that may result from inversion therapy.

An evaluation can also identify underlying causes and recommend more appropriate treatments based on individual needs. The safety and potential benefits of inversion therapy should be weighed carefully before pursuing this practice.


Spine Institute NY