Knee Pain That Comes and Goes

It’s the worst kind of surprise; the kind that comes and goes. Knee pain can be nagging, intense, and downright unbearable at times. But there are ways to manage it and get back to living your life! In this article, we’ll explore the causes behind knee pain that comes and goes, as well as effective treatments for dealing with it. Let’s get started!



Knee problems are very common and can be caused by a variety of issues, including degenerative arthritis, injury, tendonitis, and overuse. If you experience frequent episodes of knee pain that come and go, it’s important to pay attention to the symptoms and seek prompt medical care if the condition persists or worsens.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the potential causes of knee pain that come and goes. We’ll also discuss when it’s time to seek medical help for knee pain that won’t go away .

  • Degenerative arthritis
  • Injury
  • Tendonitis
  • Overuse

Causes of Knee Pain

Knee pain that comes and goes can have many causes. Common causes of knee pain are arthritis, tendonitis, cartilage tears, ligament sprains and strains, meniscus tears, bursitis, and muscle weakness.

Knee Pain That Comes and Goes

Arthritis is one of the most frequent causes of knee pain that may come and go. Osteoarthritis is characterized by joint inflammation caused by wear and tear on the joint surfaces. However, other forms of arthritis can cause recurrent episodes of knee pain such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or pseudogout.

Tendonitis is another common cause of recurrent knee pain. It involves irritation or swelling of the tendons that press against the bone at the sides of your knee when you move it or stand still for long periods. You may feel tenderness in your muscles or tendons around your knee joint if you have tendonitis.

Cartilage tears are another source of coughing up knee pain which can happen due to sports injuries or trauma to the joint. A torn cartilage can cause persistent discomfort in either a sharp stabbing sensation or a dull ache depending on the location and severity of the tear.

Ligament sprains and strains can lead to episodes of recurrent knee pain when one or more ligaments have been stretched beyond their natural range during activities such as running or jumping. Signs that there may be an issue with ligaments include tenderness around the joint line and swelling in addition to feeling weak while bearing weight on the affected leg.

Meniscus tears are also responsible for episodic soreness around a person’s knees if they’re strained too much while performing activities such as lifting something heavy quickly with poor form or suddenly pivoting while playing sports like soccer or basketball etc. Swelling will occur in addition to feeling limited motion range after an injury has occurred to this particular area within your joint space if you happen to tear a meniscus ligament.

Last but not least recurring episodes of discomfort could be due to bursitis – which involves inflammation of the fluid-filled sac between bones near joints like ones located in your knees causing ongoing bouts of symptomatic radiation throughout our lower region! You might even notice slight arthritic changes happening over time due to prolonged irritation this particular point source movement has caused.. so it is important to take care of yourself ensuring proper exercise warm/cool downs any physical activities involve!

Symptoms of Knee Pain

Knee pain that comes and goes can range from mild to severe. Most often it is caused by overuse, minor injuries, or age-related degeneration of the knee joint. Depending on the cause of your knee pain, you may experience a variety of symptoms.

Common symptoms of knee pain may include:

  • Pain when standing
  • Pain when walking
  • Pain when squatting or kneeling down
  • Swelling, stiffness, and soreness in the area around your knee
  • Redness and warmth to the touch
  • Weakness and instability while standing
  • Sharp stabbing pains or a dull ache that can move around your knee joint
  • Clicking, cracking, or popping sounds coming from your knee as you move it
  • A feeling that you have less control over your leg muscles

Other signs of potential complications linked to knee pain arise if you are unable to put weight on an injured leg without significant difficulty. If this is the case, medical attention should be sought immediately as it could indicate a torn ligament or strain.

Diagnosis of Knee Pain

When it comes to knee pain, the range of potential causes is quite varied. Your doctor can help you reach a diagnosis by assessing symptom presentation and medical history. Through medical imaging or other tests, the underlying cause of your knee pain can often be identified so that you can begin an appropriate treatment plan.

It is essential to provide your doctor with accurate information about your symptoms and any history of prior knee injuries or surgeries. In addition to physical examination, they may order imaging tests such as X-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans, or MRIs to detect any fractures or damage caused due to trauma. Blood tests may also be performed if an infection is suspected.

Your doctor may consider several common causes for intermittent knee pain including:

  • Arthritis: A degenerative joint condition that commonly affects the knee and other joints in the body
  • Tendinitis: Inflammation of the tendons which help attach muscle to bone
  • Meniscal (cartilage) tears: Tears of a protective disc in the joint between the femur and lower leg bones
  • Joint dislocation: When the bones forming a joint are out of alignment
  • Gout: A form of arthritis caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood
  • Bursitis: Inflammation at one of several small sacs filled with fluid near a joint

Your physician may also consider rare but more serious conditions during diagnoses such as internal derangement (damage to ligaments), tumors, nerve injury, or septic arthritis (caused by bacteria). These conditions are much less common but require prompt treatment in order for successful recovery.

Treatment Options for Knee Pain

When pain, swelling, stiffness, and/or difficulty walking occur in the knee joint, seeking medical care can help determine the root cause of the symptoms. Treatment options for knee pain depend on what is causing it but might include:

  • Physical therapy or exercise to strengthen or rehabilitate the joint;
  • Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or cortisone injections to ease inflammation;
  • An arthroscopy (a minimally invasive surgical procedure using fiberoptic cable lenses) to assess and repair ligaments and moveable tissue within the joint;
  • Joint replacement surgery if more extensive damage is present; or
  • Bracing and other assistive devices.

Physical therapy may use methods such as heat, ice, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and massage to help improve mobility and reduce pain. Exercise may be prescribed both as part of physical therapy rehabilitation programs as well as for home use. Reforming postural habits often helps reduce stress on certain joints and many physical therapists are trained in related approaches.

Depending on the severity of a patient’s condition, steroidal injections that contain cortisone may be used either to provide short-term relief when over-the-counter treatments aren’t sufficient or as a long-term management solution in cases where there is significant inflammation associated with conditions such as arthritis. These are typically performed by orthopedists specialized in this area coming from sports medicine centers or acute care facilities offering orthopedic services.

In more extreme cases that result from old injury sites that have not healed properly or due to cartilage erosion present within certain joints, arthroscopic surgery might be necessary so that ligaments can be repaired by a surgeon experienced in this type of procedure.

In addition to these medical procedures, there are several assistive items available for patients suffering from knee pain like aids used while ambulating called “knees walkers” which allow those suffering from range-limited walking ability unassisted movement outside the home while keeping weight off their injured leg.

Offloading braces like neoprene sleeves worn over a compromised knee help relieve stress off painful areas by allowing easier bending/straightening motions while awake during normal daily activities reducing potential swelling due to undue abuse actuated via extremities subject matter manipulation through continuous movement/weight bearing.

Prevention of Knee Pain

Knee pain that comes and goes is often caused by activities or conditions that put undue stress on the joint and surrounding muscles – causing an imbalance between the forces exerted on the knee. To prevent knee pain, it’s important to address any underlying conditions that may be contributing to your discomforts such as incorrect posture, poor nutrition, lack of regular physical activity, or existing medical disorders such as arthritis.

It’s also important to maintain proper alignment and muscle balance by:

  • Stretching regularly;
  • Strengthening weak muscles; and
  • Allowing adequate rest time in between activities.

Creating a balanced exercise program by incorporating:

  • Moderate cardiovascular exercises like walking, jogging, biking, or swimming;
  • Strength training exercises like squats or lunges; and
  • Flexibility exercises such as yoga will help reduce potential risk factors for knee pain.

Wearing well-fitted shoes which provide ample cushioning and arch support can help alleviate pressure points on your feet which could otherwise lead to complications further up the kinetic chain resulting in increased pressure on your knees. Lastly, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet high in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats – especially those containing omega-3 fatty acids like fish oil – which helps reduce inflammation in your body.

Coping with Knee Pain

For many people, knee pain comes and goes in unpredictable ways. You might be able to walk up the stairs one day and find yourself struggling the next. The good news is that you don’t have to let knee pain stop you from living your life. Here are a few tips for how to cope with knee pain:

  1. Strengthen Your Muscles: Strengthening the muscles around your knee can help keep the joint stable and reduce pain. Be sure to use proper technique when performing strength-training exercises to prevent further injury.
  2. Improve Flexibility: Stretching exercises can improve flexibility and range of motion around your knee joint, providing relief from discomfort. Certain yoga poses may also be beneficial for relieving pressure on the joint.
  3. Practice Cross-Training: Do not rely solely on running or walking as a form of exercise as this can take a toll on your knees over time. Mix it up with some low-impact activities such as swimming or biking that are easier on your joints while still providing an effective workout.
  4. Rest When Necessary: If you start feeling discomfort while exercising, take some time to rest until it passes or switch to an activity that is less vigorous like walking or stretching instead of pounding out miles at a full sprinting pace on the treadmill or pavement outside!
  5. Relax Before / After You Exercise: Take 10 minutes before and after each workout session for warm-ups and cool-downs, respectively, in order to reduce stress around your knees from tight muscles or overuse during high-intensity sessions. Consider using heat (such as a hot water bottle) before activity and/or ice (such as frozen peas wrapped in a towel) after activity for additional relief from discomfort!

Frequently Asked Questions

Pain in the knee can be caused by many different conditions, such as a strain, ligament sprain, tendonitis, bursitis, arthritis, or a cartilage tear. If your knee hurts a lot and is accompanied by swelling, redness, and increased warmth to the touch, you should see a healthcare professional to determine the cause.

Sharp knee pain can be a sign of arthritis, but it is not necessarily a definitive sign. There are many other conditions that can cause sharp knee pain, including bursitis, tendonitis, or a ligament tear. If you are experiencing persistent sharp knee pain, it is important to see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Knee pain in the morning is typically caused by arthritis, bursitis, or tendinitis. These conditions can cause joint stiffness and pain in the morning due to inactivity overnight. Other potential causes of morning knee pain include a ligament or meniscus tear, a Bakers cyst, gout, or a cartilage injury.

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Ultimately, if your knee pain persists or becomes more severe, it’s important to see your doctor. Though many cases of knee pain that come and go can be managed at home with simple treatments and lifestyle modifications, persistent or worsening symptoms can indicate a more serious condition that requires medical attention.

Your physician can conduct a physical examination and use imaging technology like x-rays, CT scans, MRIs, or ultrasounds to determine the cause of your condition. With the right diagnosis and treatment plan in place, you can regain strength in your knees so you can resume normal activities without interruption or discomfort.

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