Diseases That Cause Neck Pain



Neck pain is a common complaint that affects nearly everyone at some point in their life. It can be caused by a variety of illnesses, injuries, or underlying conditions. In this article, we will go over some of the more common diseases that cause neck pain. We will discuss the symptoms, causes, and treatment for each of these conditions. By learning about the different causes of neck pain, you can better identify when you should seek medical help.

The more common diseases that cause neck pain include:

  • Cervical spondylosis is a condition caused by wear and tear of the cervical spine.
  • Cervical radiculopathy is a condition caused by the compression of nerve roots in the cervical spine.
  • Whiplash is a condition caused by a sudden force to the neck.
  • Cervical disc herniation is a condition caused by a bulging or ruptured disc in the cervical spine.
  • Fibromyalgia is a condition caused by widespread chronic pain.

Definition of Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common symptom involving any discomfort or difficulty in the muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints, or nerves of the neck. It can range from a mild ache to debilitating and disabling pain.

Diseases That Cause Neck Pain

Neck pain can be acute (lasting less than three weeks) or chronic (lasting more than three weeks). Acute neck pain has many potential causes including muscle strain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, herniated disks, cervical spondylosis (a degenerative disorder of the spine), and other underlying medical issues. Chronic neck pain often develops as a result of long-term repetitive use and strain of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the neck and surrounding areas; it may also develop due to nerve compression caused by tumors or other abnormal tissues.

The most common cause of neck pain is posture-related issues such as poor ergonomics and prolonged sitting or standing in one position for extended periods. However, diseases such as meningitis, spinal cord tumors, and Lyme disease can also cause severe or chronic neck pain symptoms.

Common Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain can be caused by several factors, from bad posture to muscle tension or even more serious conditions. Knowing the common causes of neck pain can help you identify your source of discomfort and take the necessary steps to relieve it.

Let’s explore some of the most common causes of neck pain:

Muscle Strains

Warmer weather and holiday weekends often lead to activities like gardening, DIY projects, and vigorous physical workouts. Hours hunched over a laptop or smartphone can also result in neck soreness and pain. Muscle strains are the most common causes of neck pain and are usually caused by overusing the muscles in your neck.

If you strain your neck muscles, it’s usually because you tried to move them beyond their regular range of motion – such as sleeping in an awkward position or playing a new sport without stretching beforehand. Muscle strains are also more common when you tire easily or don’t take enough time for rest between workouts or other strenuous activities.

Symptoms of muscle strains differ depending on the severity of the injury but may include:

  • Dull, constant ache
  • Pain that worsens with activity
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Sudden twitches or spasms
  • Muscle weakness or difficulty moving the head

Fortunately, most cases of muscle strain can be treated at home. Resting your neck completely for a few days is important; however, doing gentle exercises like the range of motion stretches and strengthening exercises can help speed up recovery while reducing pain levels. Over-the-counter medications like NSAIDs can also help relieve discomfort while healing occurs.


Arthritis can be a major contributor to neck pain. There are several types of arthritis, two of the most common being rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, although there are others such as psoriatic arthritis and gout. All of these can cause neck pain due to inflammation, deterioration of the cartilage inside the joints, or narrowing spaces between bones. Osteoarthritis is usually caused by wear and tear over time and typically affects older people. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that can affect anyone at any age but usually appears in people between the ages of 25 and 50.

A person who experiences neck pain may or may not be able to identify which type of arthritis is causing it; however, if medical attention is sought out, a physician can help diagnose which type is present in order to provide appropriate treatment options.

Common treatments for arthritis-related neck pain include:

  • Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
  • Physical therapy.
  • Low-impact exercises.
  • Lifestyle modifications (such as maintaining a healthy weight).

In more extreme cases, surgery may be needed if other treatments do not bring relief.


Whiplash is a type of neck injury, usually caused by a sudden jerking motion of the head that causes the soft tissues in the neck to become stretched or torn. Whiplash is most common after motor vehicle accidents, but it can also be caused by sports injuries or physical abuse.

Symptoms of whiplash include neck pain and stiffness, shoulder pain, headache, reduced range of motion, or dizziness. If experienced following a car accident, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible; whiplash can cause long-term disability if left untreated.

Treatments for whiplash include:

  • Pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen.
  • A soft neck collar to help immobilize and support your neck while it heals.
  • In cases where more serious injury has occurred – surgery may be suggested.
  • Physical therapy can also help relieve muscle tension and aid in recovery from this type of injury.

Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve can cause neck pain, as well as tingling and numbness that radiates down the spine and into other parts of the body. This type of injury is often caused by repetitive motion, such as carrying heavy weights, leaning too far forward while working on a computer or other tasks, or engaging in extreme sports. It is important to seek medical attention for a pinched nerve in the neck as soon as possible to reduce pain and swelling and prevent further damage from occurring.

The most common cause of a pinched nerve in the neck is an injury called cervical radiculopathy, which occurs when a vertebra slips out of its normal position and puts pressure on the spinal nerves. This usually happens due to overuse or a fracture from trauma such as a car accident or fall. Other causes include:

  • Bone spurs
  • Narrowing of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis)
  • Herniated discs in the spine (herniated disc disease)
  • Tumors
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Inflammation resulting from an infection like meningitis or any other form of neuropathy.

Treatment for a pinched nerve may involve rest while keeping active with stretching exercises that are tailored specifically to your limitations. Ice damage can be used to help ease discomfort and swelling while heat helps relax muscle spasms and tightness associated with neck pain due to chronic conditions resulting from a pinched nerve like fibromyalgia or osteoarthritis. Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen are also effective at reducing pain and inflammation associated with this condition. In more serious cases where there has been significant nerve damage, physical therapy or surgery may be needed.

Herniated Disc

A herniated disc is one of the most common causes of neck pain. It is a condition that occurs when a soft, gelatinous center of the spinal disc has begun to protrude through a tear or crack in its coverage and is pressing on either the spinal cord or nearby nerves. Depending on which nerve is affected by the herniated disc and how severely it is compressed, pain may radiate into areas such as the shoulders and arms or cause weakness in those regions.

When diagnosing a herniated disc, doctors will usually order an MRI scan to get a detailed image of what type of damage has been sustained. Treatment can then be tailored according to how severe the neck pain symptoms are and whether they are solely due to mechanical irritation or also include inflammation.

Pain management treatment with medication may be combined with physical therapy exercises that focus on stretching tight muscles and strengthening weak ones in order to alleviate the pressure from your disk. If necessary, surgery may be recommended if other treatments do not provide sufficient relief from your symptoms.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Neck pain can have a variety of causes including injury, degenerative muscle disease, infection, or a pinched nerve. To determine the cause of neck pain, it is important to see a doctor and get a diagnosis.

Depending on the diagnosis, the treatment may involve:

  • Rest and physical therapy
  • Medications
  • Minimally invasive procedures
  • Surgery

We will discuss the diagnosis and treatment options in more detail below.

Physical Exam

When an individual presents with neck pain, a physical exam, including an orthopedic examination, should be conducted to determine the best course of treatment. The physical exam may include a range of tests and maneuvers, including but not limited to muscle strength testing, range-of-motion tests, palpation for tenderness or swelling, and evaluation of the spine for misalignments.

In addition, specific neurological testing may also be performed in order to assess nerve function as well as reflexes, muscle tone, and coordination. This can provide valuable insight into the cause of neck pain and demonstrate how effective treatments are working.

Imaging tests may also be used to detect any structural damage or abnormalities in the spine or cervical vertebrae that could be related to the pain.

Imaging Tests

Imaging tests help medical professionals to determine the cause of your neck pain. Depending on the suspected diagnosis, different tests may be recommended. Imaging tests may include X-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

X-rays are used to detect degenerative conditions such as arthritis in the cervical vertebrae, bony tumors, and fractures in the vertebrae or other areas of the spine. It can also detect congenital anomalies such as scoliosis or disc abnormalities that may be causing your symptoms.

CT scans are used to view structures of the spine from different angles which can help to accurately assess any damage to soft tissue in the area as well as bone structure. This can provide a better understanding of any underlying problems such as disc herniation, tumors, or fractures.

MRIs create detailed images of both bone and soft tissue including discs, muscles, and nerves that are located in the neck area. This helps doctors see evidence of the damage such as disc herniation or inflammation that cannot be seen on an X-ray or CT scan. MRIs also pick up evidence of spinal cord nerve root compression which may require further treatment or a surgical approach.


Medications commonly used to treat neck pain and other common symptoms, such as inflammation and muscle spasms, include:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve). These medications can help reduce inflammation and improve mobility. They are available over the counter or by prescription.
  • Muscle relaxants, such as cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril), may benefit some people with neck pain. These medications have sedative properties so they are typically used for short periods of time.
  • Tramadol is a commonly prescribed opioid medication for the treatment of chronic neck pain that does not respond to other medications or treatments. Tramadol may be combined with acetaminophen (Tylenol). Opioids carry the risk of addiction, so they should be used sparingly and only when other options have been exhausted and found ineffective.

Other medications commonly used to treat neck pain include:

  • Opioid analgesics, including codeine and hydromorphone. These are more powerful painkillers than NSAIDs but tend to have more serious side effects, particularly the risk of addiction or overdose if misused or abused.
  • Steroids can reduce inflammation when injected directly into the affected area of the neck, which also aids in reducing painful muscle spasms or tightness in damaged tissues in the neck area. However, steroid injections should generally be avoided if possible due to the potential side effects associated with them.
  • Corticosteroids, such as prednisone tablets or cortisone injections can reduce inflammation that has caused severe neck pain for some individuals but often come with severe risks when used long-term due to their systemic nature within the body.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is the first line of treatment for neck pain and usually consists of exercises, medications, and physical manipulation. The therapist will develop a program specifically tailored to your needs that should provide relief within a few weeks. Exercise can help by increasing muscle strength and improving the range of motion. Pain medications such as over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be recommended if the pain is severe.

Manual manipulation techniques such as spinal manipulation, massage, or manual traction are often used in physical therapy for neck pain as well. These techniques are generally effective, but there is not sufficient evidence to support them as first-line treatments for all patients with neck pain. Research suggests that these techniques can be accompanied by positive outcomes when combined with exercise and manual therapies but should not be started without professional advice from a therapist who has experience in treating neck pain.

In more serious cases, surgery may be recommended to correct any structural issues causing pain or discomfort in the neck area. Consistent physical therapy may also help reduce discomfort postoperatively while maintaining the range of motion and strengthening muscles that were affected by the surgery or trauma that caused the initial injury leading to neck pain.


Neck pain is a common problem that many people suffer from, and it can be caused by a range of diseases and disorders. To help prevent neck pain from occurring, it is important to know the possible causes and how to prevent them.

In this section, we will discuss ways to prevent the diseases and disorders that lead to neck pain:

Proper Posture

One of the best ways to avoid neck pain is to maintain proper posture. Good posture encourages your spine to be correctly aligned and helps keep your head and shoulders in a neutral position.

When standing, ensure that the weight of your body is evenly distributed across both feet, which should be about hip distance apart. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your chin parallels to the ground. Throughout the day, try to stand erect, instead of slouching or leaning too far forward.

When sitting at a desk, make sure your lower back is supported by a chair with proper lumbar support. Your back should be in contact with the chair’s backrest while you bend slightly forward slightly from the hips. Place your feet flat on the floor while keeping them hip-distance apart as well! It’s also important to have good chair height so that you don’t find yourself slouching or reaching too far for devices or objects on the desk surface. You can use a small cushion for additional support or adjust the height of both seat and armrests if possible to maximize comfort level without any further strain on neck muscles and joints in case you need to sit for long periods throughout the day.

It’s also recommended to take regular breaks throughout long periods spent sitting in front of a computer; taking small quick breaks every 30 minutes can help you move around more often and reduce stress accumulated after extended periods of time spend in a static position!


Exercising the muscles in your neck is one of the most important components of preventing and managing neck pain. Regular stretching and strengthening can help to improve your posture, reduce pain, and improve your joint range of motion. To get relief, it’s necessary to do exercises that target all major muscle groups in the neck. Here are some simple exercises you can start with:

  • Neck stretches – Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your head in a neutral position while you bend it gently side to side and rotate it clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Shoulder shrugs – Stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your shoulders towards your ears as far as possible and then lower them back down again.
  • Wall slides – Place a pillow against a wall at shoulder height, lie down on it, then slide up toward the wall, keeping both hands behind you on the wall for support. You should feel the tension in the upper trapezius area along your neckline when doing this exercise correctly.
  • Seated swivels – In a seated position, use both hands to slowly turn your head from left to right for about ten seconds at a time. Do 10 repetitions of this exercise three times each day for best results.

Stress Management

Stress can have a significant effect on your body, including your neck muscles. Taking steps to reduce and manage stress can help keep neck pain from ending up being a chronic problem.

Relaxation techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, and Yoga are all beneficial for preventing neck pain due to stress. Other methods such as regular exercise and physical therapy can help too. If the source of stress is due to your lifestyle or work environment, then it may be necessary to make changes there in order to reduce stress levels.

Making sure you get plenty of rest, maintaining good posture, making healthy food choices, and avoiding certain activities that could worsen the condition (such as prolonged hours at the computer) are all important in order to manage neck pain caused by stress. Additionally, keeping your home and work areas organized can be very helpful in reducing the emotional load you carry every day.

Ergonomic Workstations

Ergonomic workstations are essential in preventing many kinds of neck pain since they are designed to keep the neck in neutral positions while working. To set up an ergonomic workstation, start by adjusting the chair height so that your feet rest flat on the floor and your thighs and arms fit comfortably at a 90-degree angle. Make sure that your keyboard is at elbow level, positioning your monitor directly in front of you at an arm’s length away. Finally, hold a phone between your ear and shoulder when speaking or use a headset to avoid bending your head in unnatural positions while speaking.

Additionally, it’s important to take frequent breaks; move around or stretch throughout the day to relieve built-up tension in your muscles. If you spend most of the day sitting in one spot, try using a lumbar roll for more comfortable back support or use a standing desk if it can be adopted into your workflow for brief periods of time.

In order to prevent prolonged bouts of neck pain, following these ergonomic practices will help reduce soreness and stiffness due to posture-related issues over time:

  • Adjust the chair height so that your feet rest flat on the floor and your thighs and arms fit comfortably at a 90-degree angle.
  • Position your keyboard at elbow level.
  • Position your monitor directly in front of you at an arm’s length away.
  • Hold a phone between your ear and shoulder when speaking or use a headset.
  • Take frequent breaks; move around or stretch throughout the day to relieve built-up tension in your muscles.
  • Use a lumbar roll for more comfortable back support.
  • Use a standing desk if it can be adopted into your workflow for brief periods of time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, neck pain can indicate something serious. Depending on the severity and the cause, neck pain can be a sign of a serious medical condition such as a herniated disc, cervical spondylosis, or meningitis. It is important to see a doctor if you experience persistent or severe neck pain to determine the cause and to receive appropriate treatment.

There are no known viruses that cause neck pain. Neck pain can be caused by a variety of factors, such as muscle strain, poor posture, or an injury. It can also be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as arthritis, meningitis, or a pinched nerve.

Neck pain can be a symptom of some types of cancer, including thyroid cancer, lymphoma, and throat cancer. Other possible causes of neck pain include muscular strain, arthritis, and nerve compression. It is important to see a doctor if you experience persistent neck pain to determine the cause.

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